Watercooler: PlayerScraper - A RuneLite Plugin to Dump Player Equipment

Development Discussion of an Unusual RuneLite Plugin that Scrapes Player Equipment

Plugin, RuneLite, Tool, WaterCooler Comments 15 min read

This post discusses the development process of a strange RuneLite plugin I authored to scrape players! Say what?! Simply put, the plugin scans a specific player and lists the equipment that they are currently wearing. It is obvious why you would want to determine the equipment of one player… think the inspect functionality in World of Warcraft. But the strange thing about this plugin is that it is togglable to scan multiple players within client render distance. So why multiple players? Simple - I wanted to perform a statistical analysis of the equipment that the players wore.

This post covers the technical side of the RuneLite plugin development. If you are interested in the statistical analysis, check out my post entitled Data is Beautiful: Analysis of Bank Standing Equipment, which performs an analysis of the data scraped from 20,000 players bank standing at the Grand Exchange.

As per the norm of my projects, here is the list of requirements for what the plugin needed to do:

As with all my projects, the source code used in this research is openly available on the OSRSBox GitHub account, specifically, my branch of RuneLite named osrsbox-plugins has the code for the player scraper RuneLite plugin. I hope you enjoy this post and the coding journey!


Developing a RuneLite Plugin to Extract Player Equipment

As with any RuneLite plugin, I started by picking a name: Player Scraper… it seemed suitable. Then I made a package in the RuneLite plugins folder named: playerscraper. The next step was making two files to host the code for the plugin development:

You can view all the code and the structure I used by looking at my orsrsbox-plugins branch of my forked version of the official RuneLite repository on GitHub. The base folder for the playerscraper plugin has the two files used to create the plugin.

Adding JSON Output Support

The goal of the Player Scraper plugin was to dump metadata about a target players equipment and then analyze the resultant data. I did not need it displayed in-game (for example, on a panel), so I decided to dump the data in JSON format. I have previously written about adding JSON export support to RuneLite, so I will keep this simple. I used a JSON library (supported by Maven) called JSON.simple. Then I simply added the dependency to the pom.xml file for the runelite-client. To be specific, this involved editing the following file:


In this file, I added the XML dependency object into the dependencies XML tag. The code listed below documents my additions.


Make sure to check out my modified pom.xml file in my forked RuneLite repository (under the osrsbox-plugins branch). This file has the additions that I have made to support JSON generation.

Player Scraper Config Menu

I wanted a simple plugin without too many options - primarily because there were not many options that were actually required. If you want more information on the RuneLite plugin configuration menu and how to code one, check out my previous blog post - Writing RuneLite Plugins - Part 3 - Creating a RuneLite Plugin Config Menu. I added the following base skeleton to my PlayerScraperConfig.java file - this is the place to put all RuneLite plugin configuration menu code.

package net.runelite.client.plugins.playerscraper;

import net.runelite.client.config.Config;
import net.runelite.client.config.ConfigGroup;
import net.runelite.client.config.ConfigItem;

public interface PlayerScraperConfig extends Config
    // ConfigItem's go here!

From here, I added a couple of ConfigItem entries. The first is a boolean value that toggles between single player equipment scraping and multiple player equipment scraping (this premise is discussed in detail later). The second configuration menu option is another boolean value that is used to toggle between having the Scrape action available when right-clicking a player. This context menu entry is used to initiate (start) the plugin - to start processing player/s and extracting the equipment they are wearing. The following two ConfigItem entries add two menu entries:

        position = 1,
        keyName = "allPlayers",
        name = "Scrape all",
        description = "Scrape all players"
default boolean allPlayers() { return false; }

        position = 2,
        keyName = "menuOption",
        name = "Menu option",
        description = "Show Inspect option in menus"
default boolean menuOption() { return true; }

As you can see in the code above, the allPlayers option is set to false by default - so the plugin would only scan a single player. However, the menuOption option is set to true by default so that the context menu entry is added when the plugin starts. Check out the PlayerScraperConfig.java if you want to see the entire configuration file and syntax.

Player Scraper Plugin

After setting up the plugin configuration menu, the next step was to actually write the code for the PlayerScraperPlugin.java file. This is the heart of the plugin and the majority of the code for a simple plugin lives in this file (note that you can have other files for your plugin if you implement additional classes). If I have learned anything about RuneLite plugin development, have a look to see what others have done and base your plugin on that code. Why? A couple of reasons make this thoroughly evident:

Adding a Menu Entry when Right-Clicking a Player

The first thing I wanted to do was add a new menu entry so that when you right-click a player, there was an option to Scrape a player. I was pretty sure that were existing RuneLite plugins that have an added context menu entry. After firing up the RuneLite client and right-clicking the closest player, the context menu had a Lookup option available. This is for the hiscores plugin provided by the client. Having a look at the source code, HiscorePlugin.java revealed the method they used to add a menu entry. This was a good place to start…

I won’t go into huge amounts of details with this section. There is already existing code examples that provide a good guide to adding an entry to the right-click menu. As I mentioned, I used the HiscorePlugin.java as a basis. Specifically, the following functions I coped and modified:

  1. onConfigChanged
  2. onMenuEntryAdded
  3. onPlayerMenuOptionClicked
  4. insertMenuEntry

Looking back, I didn’t even really need a right-click menu option, as the entire purpose of my plugin was to scan all players within render distance and dump the equipment information… but it was a nice feature to add and was a good coding experience.

Finding Players

After looking around the RuneLite GitHub repository a little more, I found an open Pull request entitled Add Equipment Inspector plugin authored by Sean Duffy. This was a good find. Sean had implemented a very similar plugin. The plugin had the functionality I was after, adding a right-click context menu entry for looking up a player, and it had the code to fetch the equipment of one specific player. The way he wrote the plugin was to dump the player equipment on a RuneLite panel. But this code could be easily adapted to save the equipment information to a JSON file.

The next thing to do was determine how the player selection worked. After a browse of the RuneLite API, I discovered a function available called getPlayers that gets a list of all valid players from the player cache. This was the same code used in the Equipment Inspector plugin. The API documentation for getPlayers provides a summary of the method. The function returns a list of players. The code snippet below illustrates the implementation to populate a list called players with all the active players.

List<Player> players = client.getPlayers();

From here, you can simply loop the list of players. The code I ended up with is listed below:

for (Player player : players)
    String finalPlayerName = player.getName();
    Optional<Player> targetPlayer = players.stream()
            .filter(p -> p.getName().equals(finalPlayerName)).findFirst();
    if (targetPlayer.isPresent())
        // Get the target player
        Player p = targetPlayer.get();
        processPlayer(p, finalPlayerName);

This was simple to implement, as I already had a working example. If you wanted to target just one player, you would just skip the for loop and use the name of the player that was clicked. Check out the PlayerScraperPlugin.java file if you want to see the entire plugin file and syntax. The section of code that performs the player targeting is in a method named playerScraper.

Extracting Player Metadata

Before extracting player equipment, I decided to try to also include some metadata about each player - mainly to aid in data later data analysis. For example, I wanted the world was the player scraped on, and what the combat level of the player was. This type of information is very easy to get, thanks to the RuneLite API.

Getting the world was pretty easy, as this information would be the same as the current world my player was logged in on. The RuneLite client has this capability built-in. The API documentation for the getWorld function returns an integer for the current world, as illustrated in the code snippet below:

int currentWorld = client.getWorld();

Next, getting the player combat level. At the end of the last section, the second to last line of code got the Player object for a targeted player, as illustrated by the code below:

Player p = targetPlayer.get();

The Player object has a variety of associated information, including a function to fetch the player level. The API documentation for the Player object provides a summary of the methods available. The getCombatLevel function will return an integer of the targeted player. Again, a code snippet is provided below for reference.

int combatLevel = p.getCombatLevel();

Extracting Player Equipment

The only thing left to do was extract the actual equipment a player was wearing. Again, this was easy due to the plethora of functions available in the RuneLite client API. To get the equipment that a target layer is wearing, you need to first get the template of the player using the getPlayerComposition method. This must be invoked using the Player object, as shown in the code snippet below.

PlayerComposition playerComposition = p.getPlayerComposition();

From here, you can use the playerComposition object to query specific equipment slots. According to the RuneLite API documentation for PlayerComposition, there are a variety of options available. You can fetch a list of item IDs using the getEquipmentIds function. You can also query based on a specific equipment slot using the getEquipmentId function with a KitType argument.

int itemId = playerComposition.getEquipmentId(kitType);

OK, there is one caveat here. The PlayerComposition interface has no option to get equipment slot information for the ring slot and the ammunition slot. This information just doesn’t exist in the RuneLite API. I couldn’t find any information about why this is, but a little logic might highlight why. The ring and ammunition slots are never visible to another player, while all the other equipment slots (e.g., head, boots) are visible to other players. It seems logical that the ring and ammunition slots are not available in the actual client data, and therefore, cannot be extracted.

Example JSON Output

I think providing an example of a scraped player provides a lot of context for the purpose of this plugin. The entry below displays a fictitious player named NoNameSteve that has a selection of (strange!) equipment selected. FashionScape FTW!

    "name":"Zamorak halo",
    "name":"Mouse toy",
    "name":"Lit bug lantern",
    "name":"Graceful gloves",
    "name":"Banshee top",
    "name":"Mime boots",
    "name":"Thieving cape",
    "name":"Gnome scarf",

Data Analysis Method

After the lengthy process of gathering data using the playerscraper plugin, the raw data needed to be analyzed. Luckily the data from the playerscraper plugin is well structured, which made processing quite easy. However, additional data was required for analysis - primarily determining the cost and/or current GE price of each item. I accomplished this using the summary.json file provided by the OSBuddy GE service.

To ease the analysis process I wrote a simple tool in Python to process the playerscraper output and produce a CSV file to perform analysis on. I will not go into the details of the tool, as it is just some general Python stuff. But if you are interested, feel free to have a look at the playerscraper_tools available on one of my GitHub repositories.


I hope you enjoyed reading this post. It is quite a technical write up compared to the interesting information displayed in the Data is Beautiful: Analysis of Bank Standing Equipment. But I hope that it might be useful to other developers, or for those who like watercooler style development blogs.

If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. I always appreciate feedback on these types of projects! Until next time, happy scaping everyone!


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